I can't believe I never got around to posting about Kalebs big #5! Back on JUNE 28th of 2013 Kaleb turned 5! Having a child hit that age was a little crazy for me. We have a five year old! He will be entering school and we will be entering a whole new phase of parenting! Here are some highlights from his party. We were over in Chicago for it and My mom was visiting us which was so fun to have her there for it. I love to throw parties! Im one of those people who love doing all the tiny fun intricate detailing and planning and adding all those really unnecessary but fun touches. You know the ones that we get more enjoyment and fulfillment out of then our kids actually do ;)
On Kalebs actual birthday Mike took the day off from work and Took kaleb Monsters University movie while I wrapped and set up presents and treats. We mainly just spent time as a family. Kaleb hit that age where he really loves legos so Mike and I got him a few sets for his birthday and he even got sets from Grammy (my mom) and His friends Oscar and Mak so the majority of his birthday night was spent putting together all his new legos and playing with them!
We celebrated his birthday and did a friend party with cake balls, games and prizes a few days later on the weekend!
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Cake Balls for his Friend Party |
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I made these Game buckets for each of his friends to take home. They had dress up masks and 4 various games they could play at home. |
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Keaton kept licking the confetti and sticking it to his forehead and cheeks it was funny! |
We played this game where you tie a balloon to one ankle on each child and you are stuck in a little 8x8 square. Everyone tries to pop everyone else's balloons while keeping their own safe. Well I accidentally bought super strong- basically non popping balloons so the kids were jumping on them sitting and bouncing and nada none of them would pop. Great thinking on my part haha
Cute! We had so much fun despite the strongest balloons ever created ;-)